Professor of psychology, Manchester Metropolitan University
Supporter individuals
Parker, Ian
Patel, Nimisha
Reader in clinical psychology, University of East London
Patel, Rakshita (Raks)
Service user and healthcare professional passionate about improving mental health services.
Pearce, Peter
Psychotherapist and head of person centred department, Metanoia Institute, London
Pembroke, Lou
Voice hearer and activist
Pennycooke, Earl
Part of mental health charity, Lambeth & Southwark
Perio-Rigsby, Kathryn
Service user; trustee and linkworker for a mental health service user group.
Persaud, Albert
Co-founder and director, The Centre for Applied Research and Evaluation- International Foundation (careif)
Peter Stastnz
Phillips, Malcolm
Mental health day services manager, Oremi Centre, London W10 5PA
Pieri, Androulla
Pitts, Chris
Polanco, Juan P
Poursanidou, Dina
Mental health researcher at the University of Manchester; also use mental health services.
Priest, Penny