Supporter individuals

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | V | W | Z
Machin, Karen
Macvicar, Christine

Mother; former member of Scottish Parliament CPG on ASD; founder of Renfrewshire Autism and Adperger Group (RAAG); former Carer of the Year in Renfrewshire; founder member of Renfrewshire Care's Centre and of Autism Rights.

Maguire, Alex
Maitland, Liz J

Founder of RECOVERY

Makumbe, Hamufari

Client Services Coordinator for Mental Health Services in Aboriginal areas in Australia.


Mother/full time carer

Marsden, Murina

Psychotherapist who is against psychiatric labels and labelling theory in general

May, Ronald F.

30 years' experience in intercultural management and menthal health in The Netherlands.

May, Rufus
Mc Grath, Kate
McGowan, Paddy

Someone who has been given this label and believe it doesn't exist outside the mind of Psychiatry

McKenzie, Clancy D., MD

Psychiatrist and author of Delayed Posttraumatic Stress Disorders from Infancy: The Two Trauma Mechanism

McKinnon, Brian

Long time supporter/ally of the psychiatric survivor movement; community development worker

McNeil, Shaun

A mental health professional for 25 years and a mental health consumer for much longer!

McRorie, Anna
Mia, Abdullah

Clinical psychologist

Middleton, Hugh

Clinical associate professor, University of Nottingham; Honorary consultant psychiatrist; Member of Critical Psychiatry Network

Miller, David James

Diagnosed with schizophrenia and committed to a recovery that helps other voice hearers.

Milne, Heather

Child health nurse student at Edinburgh Napier University.

Moncrief, Joanna

Senior lecturer, mental health sciences, University College London and member of Critical Psychiatry Network

Morris, L (Mrs)
Moth, Rich

Lecturer in social work, Liverpool Hope University; Social Work Action Network (SWAN) steering committee member; background in mental health social work

Moth, Rich

Lecturer in Social Work

Muncaster, Suzie

Studying for MA in Social Work

Murphy, Robert J (Dr)

Mental health professional, previously in CMHT

Murray, Lorna

Mental Health Chaplain, currently involved in community well-being in remote and rural areas