Supporter individuals

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | V | W | Z
Jackson, Lynne

Have personal experience of psychosis and until recently worked for Rethink Mental Illness for 7 years.

Jadhav, Sushrut

Senior clinical lecturer, mental health sciences unit, University College London

Jain, Sumeet

Lecturer in social Work, University of Edinburgh

Jenkin, Carol

Survivor and BME mental health campaigner

Jenkins, Robert

Humanistic Psychology Practitioner; believes that labels rarely help, 'schizophrenia' as label never helps

Johnson, Bob

Consultant psychiatrist specialising in impact of trauma and member of Critical Psychiatry Network

Johnson, Claudette
Johnson, Mark

Professor of diversity in health and social care, De Montfort University Leicester

Johnstone, Lucy

Consultant clinical psychologist, Cwm Taf Health Board, South Wales

Johnstone, Victoria

Woman. Mother. Carer for family member with 'schizophrenia'. Mental health 'professional'.