
Peoples' experiences and views on ‘schizophrenia’ or similar labels such as ‘psychosis’.



Entirely inappropriate

Gillian Brightmore

There is current research going on in Japan that has been published recently that makes the label of 'schizophrenia' entirely inappropriate. A person there who was so-called 'schizophrenic' was taken off his medication to have a course of antibiotics. While on these, his symptoms disappeared. When he was put back on his psychiatric medication when infection cleared he was again,'schizophrenic'.

Surely this indicates that the medication now given for the condition is entirely inappropriate? Further research is now been carried out.

Recognise altered states of consciousness


Some years ago, I went into an altered state of consciousness that was totally unexpected. Fortunately I had read Carl Jung's books on individuation and the collective unconscious, so I thought probably this was an experience like the ones he described as the prelude to psychological wholeness.

A question of power


I was admitted to hospital aged 17 and quickly diagnosed with this diagnosis, too quickly in my opinion. I consistently told the consultants that what I had suffered from was a drug induced psychosis, and my illness was more likely to be bi-polar as my mum, grandmother and other members of my family have bi-polar. I have never heard voices, which is one of the criterias used to determine a patient with schizophrenia, and so I used this fact to try and get my diagnosis quashed. However, consistently the psychiatrists would say 'you don't have to hear voices to have this illness'.

Denying 'schizophrenia' makes improving services difficult

Susan Inman

My younger daughter, who lives with us, has a schizoaffective disorder. Our family found a diagnosis to be very helpful in understanding the horrific experiences our daughter was having when she became psychotic. We continue to find it very useful because it helps us identify relevant research; allows our daughter to receive important supports and accommodations in academic settings; provides a way for her to understand her experiences and explain them to others; and identify other people who have shared experiences.

A different understanding


I experienced a situation which my doctor labelled schizophrenia in 1998/9, whereby I was conversing with some kind of consciousness beyond this dimension which I still cannot identify as we do not have the scientific knowledge. However, these conversations gave me information and instructed me to seek more knowledge as a result of which I am now conducting courses (very effective courses, I might add, with exceptionally high feedback scores) to empower employees in the workplace with the added bonus of helping them to make more of life at home as well.

Choice and control in wellbeing

Liz J Maitland

I was labelled from the age of 19 when i was attacked and sexually abused by a van-driver and no-one would believe me. They said I was schizophrenic and psychotic but I was the one who was in touch with reality.

I never had any symtoms at all, yet I was drugged up and forced into hospital against my will many times. It would have been much better for me if I had been believed and offered counselling. The professionals and my family's reactions made my state of mind and wellbeing far worse. I was in and out of hospital for the next 23 years.

The label does not help

Carer of a young man

I am a carer of a young man diagnosed with psychosis who then went on to being diagnosed with schizophrenia. It has been an 'interesting' experience to say the least. One day you have a normal child with a whole future ahead of him the next you have a child that has been labeled as schizophrenic and being written off by many people including the medical profession.

Finding our own language

Myra Kovary

I was incarcerated in psychiatric institutions in the USA twice in the late 1970s and diagnosed with an 'acute psychotic disorder'. My experiences were technically voluntary admissions, but I was held against my will and forcibly medicated both times. In the mid 1980s, I was incarcerated again and received a diagnosis of 'Bipolar Disorder I'.

Relationship lost due to ignorance


An ex-boyfriend of mine who is Irish left Ireland and came to live near me in Liverpool. We were both in our early 20s. Before coming to England, he had been a member of the Irish Guards and had been posted to Lebanon for peace work. While there, he witnessed several very distressing incidents, which were not addressed by authorities at the time, or when he returned to Ireland.

A personal viewpoint from India

Sumit Bhattacharya

I am not schizophrenic; I suffer from Borderline Personality disorder. Unfortunately this disease is not recognised very much in India. I was given some mood stabiliser used in Bipolar Disorder, fortunately the mood stabiliser of bipolar are effective on Borderline as well.

This disorder doesn't feel like a disorder initially, you feel that due to bad childhood experiences you are feeling sad & if you talk about it or punish the person you will become better, but talking is never easy, you have to break the ego which is not easy.
